The Sarcasm Chasm


Incessant sarcasm is the language of the relationally dysfunctional.  It reveals not how clever we are, but how condescending we have become and the fear we have of really being known.  I realize that is a strong statement and I run the risk of  sounding like I have become too sensitive.  People want to be transparent but will morph into what they think you are comfortable with to get along.  Ok here is another one of those pithy statements that you are used to hearing from me that sums it up; I am not who I think I am, I am not who you think I am, I am who I think you think I am.  That took some thinking to type.  LOL. So we go along just to get along and the beat goes on.

The first human beings were described as being “naked and not ashamed.”  They were not just unclothed but were in a state of mind that was void of self consciousness with no concept of shame.  Ever been engaged in a conversation with someone and you were attempting to disclose your deepest feelings only to have them deflect your sincerity with sarcasm?  Their response to your disclosure was exposure.  It is important at this point that you understand that people seldom treat you the way they do because of the way you are, but because of the way they are.  Do not succumb to the drivel of the insecure.  Be secure in who you are and know that you don’t have to play the exhausting game of one up-manship.


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